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For nearly three decades, Lexington County lacked a dedicated jail facility. For the first years of the county's existence, holding cells were improvised within the courthouse. As the population grew, so did the need for a secure facility to house prisoners.

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Construction began in 1983 on the new Lexington County Detention Center, located at 1301 Home Avenue in Lexington. The facility opened its doors in 1984, replacing the makeshift holding cells in the courthouse.


Due to the county's steady growth, the detention center was continually running at or above capacity in the years that followed. To alleviate overcrowding, the county enlarged the facility in 2001, increasing its capacity from 384 to 586 beds.

Security Concerns

Despite the expansion, concerns about the facility's security arose, particularly after two inmates escaped in 2004. An independent review of the detention center's security was conducted, and several recommendations were made to improve the facility's security measures.

Following the review, the county commissioned an upgrade of the facility's security systems, including the installation of additional cameras, access control systems, and motion detectors.


Overcrowding continued to be a recurring problem at the detention center, especially during peak periods of arrests. To alleviate overcrowding, the county began using temporary housing facilities, such as trailers and tents, to accommodate the overflow of inmates.

Despite these temporary measures, the overcrowding issue remained a challenge for the county.

New Facility Construction

In 2018, Lexington County voters approved a $43 million bond referendum to fund the construction of a new detention center. The new facility, located on a 42-acre site on U.S. Highway 378, was designed to address the overcrowding issue and provide a more modern and secure facility.

The construction of the new detention center commenced in 2020, with an anticipated completion date in 2023. The new facility, with a capacity of 1,000 beds, will replace the existing detention center at 1301 Home Avenue.

Ongoing Challenges

While the construction of the new detention center is a significant step in addressing the county's jail overcrowding issue, there are ongoing challenges related to the management and operation of the facility. These challenges include staffing shortages, inmate mental health care, and the management of special populations, such as juveniles and individuals with disabilities.

The county continues to work with state and federal agencies to address these challenges and ensure the safe and humane operation of the detention facility.

Collaboration with Community Organizations

Recognizing the importance of rehabilitation and reintegration, Lexington County Detention Center has established partnerships with various community organizations to provide programs and services to inmates. These partnerships aim to address the underlying issues that may have led to an individual's involvement in the criminal justice system and to support successful reentry into the community.

Some notable collaborations include:

  • Lexington County Community Mental Health Center: The detention center works closely with the mental health center to provide inmates with access to mental health screenings, counseling, and medication management.

  • Lexington County Adult Education Program: Inmates are offered the opportunity to participate in educational programs, including GED preparation and vocational training, to improve their skills and job prospects.

  • Lexington County Substance Abuse Commission: The detention center collaborates with the commission to provide substance abuse treatment and counseling to inmates struggling with addiction.

  • Lexington County Job Training and Placement Center: The detention center partners with the job training center to help inmates develop job skills, create resumes, and prepare for job interviews, enhancing their employability upon release.

Through these collaborations, the detention center strives to provide inmates with the necessary tools and support to break the cycle of recidivism and successfully reintegrate into society.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the efforts to improve conditions and address overcrowding, Lexington County Detention Center continues to face challenges, including:

  • Staffing Shortages: The detention center, like many correctional facilities across the country, has experienced staffing shortages, which can impact the safety and security of the facility and the well-being of inmates.

  • Mental Health Care: Providing adequate mental health care to inmates remains a challenge due to the high prevalence of mental illness among the incarcerated population.

  • Reentry Support: Ensuring successful reentry for inmates after their release requires continued collaboration with community organizations and addressing systemic barriers that formerly incarcerated individuals may face.

  • Aging Facility: The existing detention center at 1301 Home Avenue is aging and requires ongoing maintenance and upgrades to meet modern standards and ensure the safety of inmates and staff.

As the county moves forward, there are several key areas of focus for the future:

  • Continued Collaboration: Strengthening partnerships with community organizations and stakeholders to provide comprehensive support services to inmates and address the root causes of crime.

  • Staffing and Training: Investing in recruitment, retention, and training of correctional officers and staff to ensure a well-trained and professional workforce.

  • Mental Health Services: Expanding access to mental health screenings, counseling, and treatment for inmates to address the high prevalence of mental illness in the jail population.

  • Reentry Programs: Enhancing reentry programs and services to support inmates in successfully transitioning back into the community, reducing recidivism rates.

  • Facility Upgrades: Planning for future facility upgrades or expansions to address overcrowding and ensure adequate space for inmates and staff.

By addressing these challenges and focusing on collaboration, mental health care, reentry support, and facility improvements, Lexington County Detention Center aims to create a safer and more effective correctional environment that promotes rehabilitation and reduces recidivism.
